{{ i10n(question.title) }}Multiple answers possible
The offer most adapted to your needs :
{{ i10n(offre.mainTitle) }}
{{ i10n(offre.desc) }}

Factoring made for you

I enjoy access to a reserve of immediate funding by ceding my receivables to Societe Generale Factoring

I entrust my client invoices, reminders, recovery, collection, management and allocation of payments which are handled by Societe Generale Factoring

Peace of mind
I have the guarantee of being paid  100% in the event of legal default of my clients

In 2024, Societe Generale Factoring purchased 61,1 billion euros of invoices across all sectors

"We have only one concern, cash flow. That's why we use a factoring company, it's a big help."

Marc S., manager of an SME.