Legal notices
Terms and Conditions
This website is published by Societe Generale Factoring
Societe Generale Factoring is a limited company (société anonyme) with a capital stock of EUR 14,400,000 registered on Créteil Trade Register No.702 016 312
Registered Office: 6, allée des Sablons, 94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois
APE Number: 6619 B
UE VAT Number: FR 80 702 016 312
ADEME Number: FR231725_01YSGB
Legal Representative: Mr. Aurélien VIRY – Managing Director
Editorial Manager/Webmaster: Ms Hayat BELKADI – Communication Officer
Contact: +0033 (0) – factoring.communication@socgen.com
This website is hosted by Waycom.
This website is governed by French Law.
Professional regulations
Societe Generale Factoring is a French credit institution authorized by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel (Prudential Control Authority per its translation to the English language) (ACP – www.acp.banque-france.fr, 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09) and controlled by this Authority to perform any transactions relating to the finance, guarantee and management of trade receivables, and the brokerage of credit insurance in its capacity as a finance company and member of the French Association of Finance Companies (ASF) whose main business is factoring.
Contents of the website
Societe Generale Factoring shall make its best efforts to ensure that the information displayed on this site is accurate and up to date, reserving the right to amend the content at any time and without notice. However, it cannot guarantee that the information is complete or that it will not be modified by a third party (hacking, virus). Societe Generale Factoring also disclaims all (direct or indirect) liability in the event of delay, error or omission as regards the content and use of these pages, and if the service is interrupted or not available.
As such, Societe Generale Factoring shall not be held liable for indirect consequential loss, including but not limited to loss arising from transactions carried out on the basis of the information, loss of profit, loss of business, loss arising from the service being interrupted, increased charges for accessing and processing the information.
Similarly, Societe Generale Factoring shall not be held liable for factors beyond their control and any loss or damage sustained to your technical environment, including your computers, software, network equipment (modems, telephones, etc.) and any equipment used to access or use the service and/or information.
Finally, Societe Generale Factoring shall not guarantee and in any circumstances be liable for the suitability, sequence, accuracy, absence of errors, veracity, topicality, loyal and commercial nature, quality, soundness, non-infringement and availability of the information contained on this site. You undertake to access the information contained on this site for your own personal and non-commercial use. Any information on Societe Generale Factoring products shall be provided as seen and for guidance only. It shall also not constitute an offer by Societe Generale Factoring to purchase financial services (particularly banking and insurance products), or a request of an offer to purchase financial services (particularly banking and insurance products).
Societe Generale Factoring disclaims all liability for any use of this information and the consequences that may arise therefrom, particularly regarding any decisions or action taken on the basis of this information. As such, you shall be solely liable for the use of the information and the results obtained. The onus shall also be on you to check all the information received via the Internet. Anyone wishing to obtain any of the products or services on offer is asked to contact Societe Generale Factoring for information on availability, contractual terms and conditions and prices.
This entire site is governed by international legislation on copyright, trademark law and, generally, intellectual property, its form (choice, layout, topics, means of accessing data, how data is presented, etc.), and each item of its content (text, images, etc.). The content appearing on the pages of this site is the exclusive property of the Societe Generale Group and its contributors . You also undertake not to use this content for illegal purposes and not to allow anyone whatsoever to do so.
By way of exception, some of the content (text, images) is the property of their respective authors. Any reproduction, representation, dissemination or redissemination, in full or in part, of the content of this site on any medium or by any means whatsoever (including caching, framing), in addition to any sale, resale, retransmission or making available to third parties in any way whatsoever shall be prohibited. Failure to comply with these restrictions shall constitute an infringement, which may invoke the infringer’s civil and criminal liability.
Hypertext link
Societe Generale Factoring shall not be liable for hypertext links established to other sites, particularly as regards the content of these sites.
Societe Generale Factoring shall not be liable for hypertext links to this site and shall prohibit anyone from creating such a link without its prior express authorisation.
Upon consultation of the website, Societe Generale Factoring is led to collect personal data about you, as data controller, in order to identify and meet your expectations regarding our services, if necessary through forms and contact pages.
The data collected is subject to processing, if you have consented to it or if the processing is based on at least one of the following legal grounds: 1. necessary for the performance of the contract 2. is in the legitimate interest of Societe Generale Factoring, 3. falls under a legal obligation to which Societe Generale Factoring is subject.
In addition, if some information, not strictly necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes mentioned above are collected, they will be collected with your prior consent. You may at any time withdraw your consent if necessary.
Your personal data is intended for the commercial and marketing management of Societe Generale Factoring, to the extent necessary to fulfill the tasks entrusted to Societe Generale Factoring.
Unless otherwise provided by law or regulation, the data collected shall be retained only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes described above, within the limit of the limitation period in force.
For the fulfillment of these purposes, Societe Generale Factoring may transfer the information collected to Societe Generale Group entities, its entities, service providers and its partners outside the European Economic Area. These data transfers are carried out under conditions and under guarantees that ensure the protection of your personal data (authorization by the data protection authority, contractual commitment with the service providers concerned and / or Binding Corporate Rules of Societe Generale Group. For more details about these transfers, you can make your request to the following address protectiondonnees.SGFactoring@socgen.com.
You have a right of access to your personal data, to rectify it, to delete it, to limit its treatment, to oppose to it, as well as a right to portability under the conditions provided by the applicable regulations, to the following address: protectiondonnees.SGFactoring@socgen.com.
You can also contact the Societe Generale Factoring Data Protection Officer at protectiondonnees.sgfactoring@socgen.com and the right to lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Data Processing and Freedoms (CNIL), the supervisory authority responsible for fulfilling obligations regarding personal data.
Societe Generale Factoring makes a commitment to acknowledge receipt of your request under 2 working days and to answer within ten working days, except in exceptional cases. However, it’s possible that you meet difficulties in the contract implementation or the contrat functioning or in the use of the provided tools.
1/ Your Account Manager
First, your Account Manager stays tuned to you by mail, phone, fax or e-mail. These data were communicated to you after signing your contract.
Don’t hesitate to announce him/her your comments or questions. He/She will bring you the desired clarifications.
You can also contact:
If your contract hasn’t begun:
- By mail: Societe Generale Factoring ; Sales Department 6 allée des Sablons 94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois
- By Phone : +0033 (0)8 00 00 56 93
- By e-mail : factoring.commercial@socgen.com
If your contract is operational:
- By Mail : Societe Generale Factoring – Customers Relationship Department 6 allée des Sablons 94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois
2/ FACTORING : Customer Claims
If your usual contact delays to answer or if you are unsatisfied by his/her answer, you can contact:
- By Mail: Societe Generale Factoring – Quality and Claims Department 6 allée des Sablons 94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois
- By e-mail: factoring.reclamations@socgen.com
Societe Generale Factoring undertakes to acknowledge receipt of requests within 10 working days from the date of sending the complaint, and to respond within 60 calendar days from the date of sending the complaint.
Data Charter of the Societe Generale Group
To read the cookies policy
To read the Data Privacy Policy
This website is protected by a high level of technical security, and it is under permanent monitoring. The algorithms and mechanisms, used to protect your communications with Société Générale and the information that pertains you, comply with the French regulations in effect.